Iris EducationIris Education is a health professional education company that is passionate about providing high quality education in the area of Reproductive and Sexual Health. Iris Education was founded in 2015 by Dr Caroline Harvey, Dr Fiona Mack and Dr Kay Strom. Dr Steve Lambert and Mr Brad Reuter joined the Iris Board of Directors between 2016 and 2019, before pursuing other work opportunities. They remain linked with Iris Education, along with a number of other experts across Queensland, to assist with development and delivery of educational events as required.
The range of topics covered by Iris Education includes (but is not limited to) all aspects of contraception and sexual health in practice, cervical screening, STIs in general practice, sexuality and sexual health issues in adolescents and diverse populations, various women’s health topics, unplanned pregnancy management and essential communication and consultation skills for providers engaging in sexual health topics. Flexibility and responsiveness to your specific needs is our goal. Please have a look at our course calendar or contact us so that we can discuss your needs. Iris Education provides a broad range of professional development: courses and workshops, clinical skill review, small group learning and education and program development consultancy. We focus on reproductive and sexual health (RSH) as well as women’s health in general practice and other primary care settings. Training options are flexible and can be tailored in content and format to meet the needs of general practitioners, O&G and GP registrars, practice nurses, midwives, hospital doctors, aboriginal health workers, allied health professionals and students. Some educational material and courses will be suited to a broader audience. Training can be provided to individuals, groups, practices or other organisations.
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Our EventsCaroline & Kay with participants, Mt Isa SRH Education Workshop. February 2020
Implanon Training for Healthcare Professionals
Dates: 8/2/25 (full), 29/3/25, 24/5/25 Time: 9:00a.m. - 11:30a.m. Location: RBWH, Herston, Brisbane Read more here In Practice GP/NP IUD Insertion Training
Date: By appointment Location: Clinician's own clinical setting Read more here |